Thursday, June 14, 2012

Welcome Rolli Baby

So it has been a bit for a post --

In my last post, I was going to create a poll for guessing when Rolli would make his appearance. Clearly we were all wrong.

The Birth Story:
Friday, May 18th was my last day of work before going on leave. I wanted a couple of weeks to get things ready since I had purposely put it off while my husband was in Afghanistan. Rolli had a slightly different idea apparently. My hubby and I were laying on the couch watching a movie. At about 11:45 PM, I felt a burst of liquid that just got my underwear wet. I went in to the bathroom knowing that my water had broken, but trying to be in denial since it was 3.5 weeks early. I stayed in the bathroom for about 45 minutes because the liquid was a slow leak any time I tried to leave the bathroom. I came back out to lay on the couch (remember the denial). My first contraction was at 1:00 AM. By this time, my husband had fallen asleep, so I did not say anything. Every twenty minutes for the next hour was a contraction. At 2:00 AM, my husband woke and we went in to the bedroom. This was when I told him that my water had broken and I was having contractions. He asked if we should go to the hospital. I said I wanted to try to sleep and we would see about it later. Ten minutes later, I had another, stronger contraction. This was when I finally admitted that I was in labor.
We gathered some things together. I had only set aside a few pairs of clothes for baby and myself, but had not really packed the hospital bag yet, even. We headed to the hospital at about 2:30 AM. On the way to the hospital, the contractions moved to every five minutes. We got in to the hospital triage a little before 3:00 AM. A nurse tested the liquid to see if it was indeed my water breaking. The test came back negative, however, she said that maybe the baby's head was blocking more liquid from leaking since I was clearly in labor and I was six centimeters dialated. By this point, my contractions were every few minutes.
At about 4:30 AM they admitted me and moved us to a labor and delivery room. The doctor examined me a little after 5:00 AM. I was 8 centimeters. He asked me what my plan was for pain. When I said nothing, he said good since it was too late and there was a line up for epidurals. My husband went to make the phone calls to family at this point; letting them know I was in labor. This, of course, was when my contractions seemed the worst and most frequent; when I was alone. The nurse that came in and out sometimes was useless. At 6:00 AM, I caved and asked for the IV drugs that are supposed to take the edge off. I will definitely not be asking for that again. It was definitely not worth it. I suppose if you are laboring for more than 24 hours it would probably help you sleep in between contractions. There is no sleeping in between contractions when they are every minute.
I started pushing at 7:00 AM. After about 20 minutes of pushing, they started to threaten me with a episiotomy since Rolli's heartrate had started to go down. The doctor was about to do it when I screamed NO at him and pushed Rolli's head out on the next contraction. He arrived at 7:29 AM, Saturday, May 19. He was 6 lbs 3 oz and 19 inches long.

He is perfect!
Here is my compilation of my pregnancy photos through the weeks.