Monday, November 4, 2013

A Glimmer in the Sleep Deprivation Tunnel


Last night was the first night that Rolli ever slept almost 9 hours. He woke up and cried one time about 3 hours in, but put himself back to sleep in about a minute. He had never slept anywhere near that long before. When I told my husband, he asked if I drugged him. No, honey, I did not drug our son. He then woke up at 3 something AM screaming, but that is alright with me. I nursed him back to sleep and he slept until 6 something.
I am really really really hoping that this trend continues. Getting more sleep would be phenomenal. I am even more so hoping that he continues working towards sleeping through the night so that his grandparents don't have to get up every 3 hours with him screaming if he gets to visit with them on his own soon. I am worried enough as it is about leaving him. I don't want to add guilt feelings about sleep depriving my in-laws.
I have learned how to function on so little sleep, but I can only imagine how good it will feel and how much I might accomplish if I can start to sleep more than 2-3 hours at a time. So, really this post is just about documenting the first real long stretch of sleep in Rolli's life. It is also a prayer that he might keep this up and let me get back to a more normal amount of sleep.

I love you. I will always love to snuggle with you, but it is okay to sleep through the night in your own bed.
Your Tired Mom


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