Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I've sprung a leak!!!

So I know it has been way too long since I've posted on here. Things have been crazy.
The hubby has been working non-stop. I am starting part time (very part time) as a fitness instructor. We are getting ready to visit family. We are also getting ready to move. It has just been a whirlwind of long long days around here.

I've been thinking about the topic of this post for a long while ... Boob Pads!

For any of you breastfeeding moms, you know what I mean and how much you cannot leave the house without them. It has gotten a little better, but I forgot them one Sunday morning when I went to church. I had to cover up my chest with a baby blanket and pretend it was for my baby and not covering the huge leaking wet spot on my chest. Now that I am pumping more to have bottles for while I'm working, I am thinking I will be having these occasions again more. They had slowed down since my supply had evened out with Rolli's demand and being with him all the time to nurse. He is also a champion eater, so there is not typically much time for a leak to spring up when I am with him.

The thing that has been particularly irking me about boob pads is how they only come in one size. Now, I don't know anything about the disposable ones. I use the washable kind that are essentially just a circle of cotton you stick in your bra. While I love how they work, I Do NOT love how you can see the circle of cotton in many of my shirts. Now, I'm the type of person that will just own the facts when need be - Yes, I breast feed, so there is a boob pad circle or yep, the boobs are leaking. However, I think it would be so much better and more comfortable if they sold them by cup size. Then it could just sit nicely inside the bra instead of making you look like you have awkwardly sized and shaped nipples.

I cannot be the only one that has ever thought of this.
If I am, I totally claim patent rights when they do start making them.

And now, your customary dose of cuteness.

A very sleepy baby boy