Thursday, October 25, 2012

Family Portrait

My husband, in a joke to his mom, said we were getting painted as a family for a huge portrait above our fireplace. He was kidding, but we talked afterwards that it would actually be pretty cool.
We did our family photos last weekend with my favorite NC photographer, Laura Yates. Our proofs are up. If you want a sneak peek, go to and click on client galeries. Ours is Cooper family with the password: family.
Now just have to decide which one will be the inappropriately large photo above the fireplace, right?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wasting Wipes

I may be crazy, but I have been doing not only cloth diapers but cloth wipes as well. Do any of you doing cloth diapers do this as well? I know I'm not the only one since they sell them at nickisdiapers. We do keep some disposable wipes for in the diaper bag and I tend to do one final wipe with a disposable wipe. I suppose I should just wet down a cloth wipe for the final wipe, but Rolli would probably fall off the diaper table while I was at the sink. But, with only using one disposable wipe per change, at least it cuts down on the amount of wipes we have to buy. Some may call it cheap; I prefer thrifty.
I don't think I'm going to buy any disposable diapers when we run out of the ones that were bought for us from one of my baby showers. We have noticed that they stink really badly even with only a little pee in them. Maybe it is just this brand, but I much prefer the cloth. It will just mean packing cloth even in the diaper bag for going on excursions. I will have to get some disposable, if I put him at the child care center. However, what if I get the doctor to send a note that he needs to have cloth. LOL. Nah, I won't be one of 'those' moms.
Why does it all have to cost so much?
No one is ever financially ready for a baby. Seriously.

Here is Rolli and Daddy napping on the couch next to me.