Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sleep crawling

So we are pretty sure we have the makings of a sleep walker on our hands. Our little man will crawl up to the head of the bed, fully asleep. He sometimes bumps his head against the wall or flops it down onto our heads and pillows. His eyes are completely closed and he falls back asleep. Has anyone else encountered sleep crawling? I'm sure some of you have.
We finally got a mattress for the crib and are now starting naps in the crib. It seems to be going well so far (knock on wood). The plan is to work up from naps and putting him in his crib at the beginning of the night to hopefully sleeping through the night in his crib. I have no idea when that night will be, but I'm hopeful.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Baby Vanity

Rolli has been obsessed with looking at himself in the mirror. Anytime we walk in the bathroom he gets this huge cheese smile on his face. I, of course, encourage this vanity by telling him how cute he is. I only slightly worry that this will become true vanity one day and not the self-confidence I hope to build with him.
I wonder at what point they truly recognize it as being themselves in the mirror. There is a theory that babies think that it is another baby looking back at them. I should get out my text books to find the proper reference. I tell him that that cute baby in the mirror is him, but I do wonder what he knows and thinks of this. Part of me wonders if they know it is themselves just because of their egocentrism. Everything revolves around them and there is not yet perspective taking, so why would it be a different baby in the mirror? If you know me, you know baby's brains fascinate me. I may someday get that phd in behavioral neuroscience so that I can do my own studies, but for now I just continue to wonder what they are thinking and what they know.
We have done lots of exploration with mirrors. Being a Mary Kay consultant, I happen to have lots of personal size mirrors. Different angles, under water, grouped together, separated, etc. he has spent the majority of several days looking in the mirror. Lol- can you blame him?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Bedtime routine

We have long realized that our little boy for sure likes his bedtime routine. He was pretty tiny still when he made it clear that doing anything besides going to bed after 7:30 PM was not in the picture. Every so often he'll get off schedule or let us stay up late without punishment, but most of the time he makes it very evident that he should be in the bath and then in the bed by that time at the latest.
Tonight I pulled him out if the bed at 8:00 when he cried instead of helping him back to sleep like usual. This is definitely not the norm, and I was worried it would come back to bite me. Thankfully it did not. I had yet to eat dinner since his dinner, bath, and going to bed had taken from 5-7. I was making my dinner when he woke, so I brought him out so I could eat. I seldom put my needs before his, but tonight I couldn't wait any longer. Especially with his daddy in the field, I think mommies get a free pass every once in a while.
The other thing I've noticed lately with bedtime is that in the past few weeks he has really begun to know and recognize the lullaby I sing to him. He now will smile and calm down when I sing it. I think he was singing along with me tonight. That, or he was imitating Billy Crystal from When Harry Met Sally. The part when they are talking on the phone and he practices moaning. That is exactly what Rolli sounds like as he is putting himself to sleep lately. It is spot on.
We are still cosleeping and I'm not sure if we will be changing that anytime soon. When my husband and I were discussing it, we both got sad at the thought of him not sleeping with us anymore. I know we will get there, but it is just not yet. We are savoring the snuggles while they last.