Monday, November 12, 2012

Crib conundrum

We finally bought a crib today. I know cosleeping is controversial to some people, but it works really well for our family. So well, in fact, that at the thought tonight of transitioning Rolli to the crib, both my hubby and I said we would miss having Rolli in the bed with us.
We both are torn between wanting the bed just for us again and still wanting to snuggle with our little angel. I was thinking of starting to use the 'cosleeper' bassinet as it is designed (next to the bed). We have been using it more like a portacrib for daytime naps. Rolli seemed very excited to see it next to the bed. I am not sure what that means. The bassinet is usually in the living room so definitely a change to the scenery. I have yet to decide if I am going to try having him sleep in that overnight tonight or not.
I had thought maybe it would be good to try the 'cosleeper' for a couple weeks before going to the crib. I have also thought of waiting until Rolli sleeps through the night to move him to the crib. He is typically in bed from 7:30 pm to 7:30 am, but wakes up several times a night just for nursing. Actually, most of the time he doesn't fully wake since I am right there to fill that need. I also don't want to start being sleep deprived now. I have also thought that maybe waiting till after he starts eating food might help him sleep longer stretches.
Clearly, I am not sure which direction to go. I am cognitively aware that part of my hesitation to stop cosleeping is about my desire to keep him close more than his need to feel secure. I don't think I'm quite ready for this transition, but it'll be an ongoing process.


Blogger Laura said...

I nursed both of my girls and co-slept with both (co-slept with Mady until 6 months, Ashlyn until 5 months). I found that when I moved them to their cribs, they weened themselves from two feelings during the night almost immediately and soon, slept 7-7 (sometimes longer) uninterrupted. I think having them right beside me, they a) smelled me/their milk and b) would feel me and instinctively root. Once they weren't next to me, it seemed they cut out the feelings that weren't necessary. Just do what you feel comfortable with. It all works out and there's a million ways to parent and not a single "right" one. ;)

November 12, 2012 at 11:35 PM  

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