Thursday, January 30, 2014

My 'Honeymoon' as a Stay At Home Mom

I never thought I would want to be a Stay At Home Mom. I always knew I would have a career, yet I also wanted children. When I was young and blissfully ignorant of how hard it is to make those things go together, I magically enrolled myself in a career exploration course. I had come to the conclusion that I probably would not get that job at NASA that I dreamed when going in to college an astronomy and physics major. The course did assessments of personality, values, goals, etc. to find recommendations for career path. Mine lead me to getting my degree in early childhood development. This was one of the degrees that was lovingly referred to as getting your MRS degree. It, however, still did not dawn on me that I would ever want to stay home full time. I thought it would make me crazy. 
Now, since having my son and a brief time being a SAHM, why would I want to go back to doing what I do at home for children other than my own? The reality is that our family situation means I do have to work. (College loans are super fun!) Right now I work part time as a fitness instructor. This is a fantastic job and is somewhat flexible, which is great with having little ones. I try to get as many hours as I can, but there is only so many fitness classes one body can teach. 
This week we have gotten a little glimpse back into what life would be like if money were no issue and I could stay home. We have had 3 snow days so far where everything around is shut down. I have yet to even attempt going out. I know some people already have cabin fever, but I am loving this. This is the first time I have felt like I am getting things accomplished in months. There are not any dishes in the sink. The house is vacuumed and swept. We have painted, worked with stickers, colored, built forts, watched movies, played with trains and cars, jumped and ran out on the snow/ice (and fallen a few times)... My list could go on. 

I am by no means the worlds greatest mom. Nor am I delusional enough to think this honeymoon feeling being at home would last forever. I just think this mini break from things was just what my son and I needed. 
I have seen lots of attacks on SAHMs recently. I, for one, miss being one. It is not that it would be easier. Like most jobs, there is a lot more to it than someone outside of it can ever truly know. 
I do love my job. I also know that my son is gaining really valuable skills and knowledge at school (yes, school, aka daycare to some) that can only be achieved in the group setting. For both of those things, I am immensely grateful. I just also know that SAHMs are doing a really awesome job, too. I also guess that Ms. Blogger looking down on SAHMs would probably have to take a job in a childcare setting if SAHMs ceased to exist - the demand already far exceeds the availability for infant and toddler care. Then she would be doing what she looks down on, but for other people's kids. That would be some good irony. 
In the end, SAHMs are great and I'm glad to have had a short glimpse into your days. There is still laundry to fold and put away, but for now, I'm going to go play in the sensory bin with my little boy!