Monday, December 5, 2011

Week 4

Friday, October 7, 2011

Feeling exhausted today. I took a two hour nap in the middle of the day. I am just feeling like I have not slept in ages. Still ‘jonesing’ (as my brother-in-law says) for fruit and glad I am at their house where there is lots of it.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

I am extremely exhausted again. So much that I took another two and a half hour nap today. Thankfully my mom was here to help with my nephew. She let me sleep when he woke up. I will definitely have to plan for our second child to be when my husband will be home the whole time. I’m glad taking care of another child is not necessary for me right now. I feel so tired and I doubt I could do it by myself. Definitely increased respect for single moms and military moms that are pregnant again.

I also could not finish my breakfast this morning. I had cereal, but it was just not sitting right. I did not feel like I was going to throw up, but it just did not feel right. It is difficult to describe, but I just could not eat much of it.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

My breasts are definitely growing already. They are barely fitting in my bra and are denser. When I lay down on my side, I could not cross my arms like normal. There was too much in the way! Hahaha … Such a strange thing for a girl that has always been pretty small chested. They are sensitive (have been for about 2 weeks) but thankfully don’t hurt.

Monday, October 10, 2011

I got to sleep in since my sister and brother-in-law got back last night. I still took a nap this afternoon. I went to watch The Help with my mom and sister. I’m sure I would have cried anyway, but geez. I cried for probably half the movie. It is a bad idea to go to a tear jerker when a commercial can bring me to tears these days. Yeah. Literally a commercial. This happened a few days before I took the pregnancy test. The commercial had a baby in it. That’s all it took.


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