Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thought it was supposed to be a pregnancy glow not an acnepelago

I had just started to feel like I was getting to an ok place with my adult acne. I honestly had heard of some people getting acne during pregnancy, but I was hoping against hope that mine would stay away.

My background with acne is that I really didn’t have any until grad school. Granted I would get a zit or two occasionally through high school and college (often right in between my eyebrows on my forehead … hott, I know!), but never ongoing acne. This all changed when I started grad school and was working full time. I also happened to get bangs that same fall. Chicken or the egg … I’m not sure. This summer, after graduating grad school, I finally was getting the acne to be under control. This has all changed.

I know it has to do with all the extra hormones. It is also coupled with the fact that you can’t use any acne treatment medication. It is better when I am very regular with my morning and evening facial cleansing routine. If I fall asleep at night before washing my face, I can tell the next day. I’m still hoping that it gets even better once I am in the second trimester. – Everything should get better then, right?


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