Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ad nausea

As I have previously written a little bit, I have felt nauseated quite a lot for this whole first trimester. I felt it some the first few weeks, but then week six started into the all-day, every day sickness that has been this pregnancy.  I have only really vomited once. I have vomited in my mouth about five or six times. Completely gross, I know, but it’s the ugly truth. There are small windows of time that I feel ok, but they were very few and far between, especially weeks 6-10. The past few weeks, I have started to feel a little better. I am hoping that as I am starting into my second trimester this trend continues.

The nausea has been so consistent that I have not been able to make it to the gym in about 6 weeks. This makes me incredibly sad. For those of you who do not know, I completed my second triathlon on September 10. Working out makes me feel good. I especially like working out in the morning; hence the creation of a huge issue of being able to get myself to workout. I have only run 3 times since I found out I am pregnant. I have walked some, biked some, and done yoga and pilates a little. Another goal of my second trimester is to get back into the gym on a regular basis. I hate feeling out of shape.

Another side effect of feeling so sick is that I had to stop taking my prenatal vitamins in about week 8. I have since found a gummy vitamin with 100% daily folic acid, so I have started taking that the past two weeks. I felt really guilty not taking a vitamin, but it was just making the nausea so much worse. I’m pretty certain it was due to not having enough food in my stomach, but it is really hard to eat a lot when feeling so sick all the time.

Thankfully I have stayed at my pre-pregnancy weight (no loss or gain) through the first trimester. My pants are starting to feel a little snug, but I can still wear them. I think my belly shows, but it is still at the point of looking like it could just be extra fat. Here is a picture of the belly at week 13. (Sorry the only mirror in my house is in the bathroom)


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