Sunday, August 12, 2012

True Motherhood is ...

I was typing along and looked up to discover Rolli's paci on the keyboard. I had not even thought about it when I put it down and forgot that it was there. In that moment, I found it as a funny juxtaposition. It made me start to think of all of the signs of truly being a mom. What are your top indicators of what is really is to be a mom? Here are my Top Ten Reasons I am fully in Mommy Mode.

10. Completely forgetting everything. All the time.
It is a lot like what Bill Cosby talks about in his stand up. We used to be intellectuals.

9. There are no sacred clothes.
Anything I wear will inevitably get spit up or milk or pee or poop or something on it.

8. Not eating a meal for fear that if you move the baby will wake up.
Lunch is sometimes at 2:30 because I did not want to get up when he was sleeping in my arms at noon.

7. Talking in the third person.
"Mommy's here." "Mommy loves you."

6. Making silly faces and sounds in public.
This happened in the grocery line the other day. I got some weird looks from the people around me, but I don't care - I was playing with my baby!

5. Licking off the lint/dust/etc. from the pacifier before giving it to your baby.
I've always seen moms do this and I refuse to buy pacifier wipes. Why would I pay for what I can do myself for free. Sure I might swallow some fibers or dust, but who cares?

4. Bodily functions are no longer disgusting, but rather a celebrated part of the day.
 "Yay! You pooped!"

3. Getting spit up in the mouth.
Or pee. Or sneeze. Or vomit. Yeah, being a mom is super glamorous -- and tasty!

2. Interupting your pooping time for the screaming baby.
I bet many of you have husbands who take a short vacation every time they go to the bathroom. As a mom, we have to fit our bathroom schedule around the baby's schedule. Sometimes this is interupted.

1. Never taking a poop by yourself.
Ever. Again.
Even if he is sleeping, you have to go with the door open in case he wakes up and I have to do my #2 reason I'm truly a mom.


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