Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Elastic Band Blues

This picture was a week after Rolli was born. I had gained about 25 pounds with him during the pregnancy. I have lost 16 so far. I am at the post baby weight loss stage of where I have lost what will come off easily and now I will need to work to get the rest of it gone. I'm also where my maternity clothes are huge on me (most of them), but I don't yet fit back into most of my pre-pregnancy clothes. I can get some of them to button now, but that doesn't mean that they fit.
So, it is still mostly elastic waist bands for me. This starts to get very tiresome. It is especially difficult for me since it has been so stinking hot. My maternity shorts are falling off of me big, but my regular shorts give the lovely muffin top effect.
My goal is to lose 15 more pounds. I was about 5-10 pounds over my desired weight when I got pregnant. Hopefully the workout plan (now that I'm cleared to workout again) and breastfeeding will make that attainable. It was hard for me to not workout during the first 6 weeks after he was born, so now I'm trying to reintegrate it into the day. Rolli and I go for walks with the stroller most mornings. I did my first bit of jogging this week. I would love to borrow someone's Insanity videos (wink wink) to get this belly from keg to 6 pack.
I want to do another Triathlon this September, however, it is dawning on me that the swimming and biking will be hard to include Rolli at this point. I would have to put him in drop in day care to be able to do that part of my training, and I'm not ready for that. We'll see. Maybe I'll at least look in to buying a cart thingy to attach to my bike?
I'll keep updating on the belly flattening progress. I will admit that I'm pretty lucky cause I've already been wearing my bikini with pride, stretch marks and all!


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