Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Difference a Week Can Make

This was last week (23 weeks). And wait for it ...

This is this week (24 weeks). Hello basketball for a belly!
 [ I was on my way to my fitness instructor certification testing ]

I was asked when I was due by a stranger for the first time. There is no more of the questioning look of is she pregnant or just fat. When my doctor measured me, he just said well all of the weight you've gained is right here (straight to the belly). I'll admit, it was a little difficult to put the new weight down on paper. I don't own a scale, so I only find out when I'm at the doctor. It's just weird to be ticking up the weight brackets. I don't mind it necessarily. I don't really know how to describe it. Maybe some other moms can articulate it better. I am now at a weight that is far outside of my concept of my own weight. I know that it is ok, since the weight is for my baby boy.
I was also telling my mother the other night that I really don't mind my big belly. It is so unlike any time before when I felt like my belly was hanging out. Any other time when I felt like my stomach was out it was accompanied by that bloated uncomfortable feeling. My belly is now way bigger than it has ever been before, but I feel great! I don't have any of the uncomfortable feeling. I'm sure when I'm 8-9 months that may change dramatically, but for now it just feels great. I feel good and I love feeling my boy kicking and flipping around all the time.
I did get the job that I had interviewed for a while back. I start my new employee orientation tomorrow. It will definitely keep me occupied and will help with saving up for our family. I'm looking forward to this new challenge.
I'll update more later this week. Catch you all later -


Blogger Camilla said...

Yayyy you look great Eileen!!! :-)

February 26, 2012 at 7:46 PM  

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