Saturday, January 21, 2012

Belly Itch

I had read something on one of my apps about how my skin might start to be itchy. It was a long while ago, so I thought maybe that wasn't going to be the case for me. But, alas, the last week or so I have started to feel the itch. I gather it has something to do with the expanding belly. I have started to use an oil that is supposed to fight stretch marks. I know they don't really work on stretch marks (from what I hear you either get them or you don't), but for now it works well on moisturizing the skin more so that it doesn't itch.
Yesterday was the beginning of week 20. I can't believe that half way is already here. I have begun reorganizing our second bedroom. It will still somewhat have to be a multi-purpose room, but I am making space for changing table/dresser, crib, and hopefully glider to sum up the baby portions of the room. I looked at a few pieces of furniture online (used), but then realized that carrying them up three flights of stairs by myself is highly unlikely. Those purchases will just have to wait until the hubby gets home.
We've already decided our baby stuff (crib sheets, decor, etc.) will be a green theme irregardless of gender, but we hope to find out the sex next week during my ultrasound. I'll post of course after my appointment. We do have names picked out for both (another bonus of husband being expected to be gone during the birth - forced us to choose early). We are both excited to start calling the baby by name once we know. Only 5 more days of suspense, hopefully.


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