Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Baby TaeBo

Saturday night (January 14), I felt the first kicks and punches from the baby. I wasn't absolutely positive that is what they were at first. Now, I am sure. They are quite regular each day since then. The most active times seem to be between 6-8 PM and 10-11 PM. Night owl like Cole and I? The kicks and punches feel, to me, like bubbles bursting. That is part of why I wasn't absolutely positive they were baby kicks. If you've ever felt a gas bubble traveling through your intestines, it is a little like that except in short, specific spurts. I've talked with a few other new moms who felt the same way. Some others describe it as popcorn popping. I can see that description, but for me I think bubbles fits better.
It's one of the first things that makes it really feel like there is actually a person growing in there. I still have mixed feelings about when the baby gets big enough that you will actually be able to see a hand or foot (Alien anyone?). But, for now, I am really liking being able to feel the little baby moving around.
Here is a picture of the 19 week belly.


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