Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I no longer hold any political views

In the spirit of all the hate that is currently being spewed in all directions these days, I thought I'd try to spread a little love.

"V'ahavta l'rayacha kamocha, ani Hashem {You shall love your neighbor as yourself, I am Hashem}. [19:18]"

35 One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

[30.21] And one of His signs is that He created mates for you from yourselves that you may find rest in them, and He put between you love and compassion; most surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect.

I'm not an expert in religion, but I'm pretty sure they all talk about love A LOT. I also totally buy into the religious philosophy of the stained glass window. If you've never heard of this, it is the idea (cut and paraphrased) that God is the sunshine on one side of the window and that all of the religions are the various colors of the panels of stained glass. The light shines differently through each one, but all are of the same light source. I'm sure a lot of people will hate and disagree with that idea, but that is ok. This is the philosophy that works for me. I fully support you having your own ideas about religion. I know which one works for me, but I don't think mine is mutually exclusive of any other.

While it may seem that I am writing off topic from my title, but I am getting the framework for part of my thought process. Religion and politics have seemingly become even more intertwined. Both have also begun to pigeon-hole themselves by being to polarized. I think most people, in reality, are much more of a mix of beliefs, but somehow everyone has gotten so wrapped up in opposing each other so staunchly.

This is where my reason for this post comes in. I have deleted my political views from my facebook profile. Many of you already know my leanings, but I must say/admit that I don't just fit in one little check box of politico.

How does this post relate to parenting??

I have always loved the fact that my parents would never tell us who they voted for. Even when we would try to trick them into telling us, they wouldn't. I'm pretty sure of my parents values, but I'm not always positive that I know which candidates they vote for. I want to try to keep this up for my child(ren). I want to teach a strong, kind value system; but then let him(them) choose for himself(themselves). I couldn't stand growing up the kids that would just spout off the stuff that their parents said about politics. I know that it was what their parents said, because in trying to talk more in depth about any of it the kid had no idea. I want for my child(ren) to make informed decisions of his(their) own and not just follow anyone -- even me.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

My Muffin Top is All That

If you don't watch 30 Rock -- you should -- But here is a link to the song my title is referencing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzFJM1qZqsk she starts singing it at about 1 minute. Thank you, Jenna.

This picture was a few days ago. Don't be fooled, I am majorly sucking it in. I have a goal of 15 more pounds to lose. However, the scale in our gym is broken (totally lame), so I have no idea where I am so far.
If you are friends with me on facebook, you may have noticed my facebook vow to run/walk and do an additional workout each day during the olympics. I also vow to cut out sweets during this time. I am giving myself the exception of one small dove chocolate per day so that I don't go through chocolate withdrawal nor find myself cheating on the sweets vow due to cutting them out completely.
I did not buy any frozen meals whilst at the commissary this last time either. I got into that habit while my husband was in Afghanistan because it is so hard to cook for 1 and so very difficult to eat fresh foods before they go bad when you are by yourself. He is home, but in school, so still gone much of the time. I need to get back to fresh food, though, and cleanse out all the stouffers and lean cuisine. Although, I don't think they are the worst thing for you, they won't help me lose weight.
I also got used to eating a cookie (or three), whenever I wanted them while I was pregnant. If you know me, you know my sweet tooth. I now need to break myself of that habit. I have given up sugar for lent before, so I know I can. And, by the end, I didn't even really want them any more. Funny how that works, right?
Hopefully this will get my clothes to actually fit, instead of just button. I also don't want to have to suck it in. I have been given the comment that I look good for having just had a baby. I am very grateful for that. Now, I want the you look great. Nothing noted, just looking great, period.
I can do it. I can do it. I can do it.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Elastic Band Blues

This picture was a week after Rolli was born. I had gained about 25 pounds with him during the pregnancy. I have lost 16 so far. I am at the post baby weight loss stage of where I have lost what will come off easily and now I will need to work to get the rest of it gone. I'm also where my maternity clothes are huge on me (most of them), but I don't yet fit back into most of my pre-pregnancy clothes. I can get some of them to button now, but that doesn't mean that they fit.
So, it is still mostly elastic waist bands for me. This starts to get very tiresome. It is especially difficult for me since it has been so stinking hot. My maternity shorts are falling off of me big, but my regular shorts give the lovely muffin top effect.
My goal is to lose 15 more pounds. I was about 5-10 pounds over my desired weight when I got pregnant. Hopefully the workout plan (now that I'm cleared to workout again) and breastfeeding will make that attainable. It was hard for me to not workout during the first 6 weeks after he was born, so now I'm trying to reintegrate it into the day. Rolli and I go for walks with the stroller most mornings. I did my first bit of jogging this week. I would love to borrow someone's Insanity videos (wink wink) to get this belly from keg to 6 pack.
I want to do another Triathlon this September, however, it is dawning on me that the swimming and biking will be hard to include Rolli at this point. I would have to put him in drop in day care to be able to do that part of my training, and I'm not ready for that. We'll see. Maybe I'll at least look in to buying a cart thingy to attach to my bike?
I'll keep updating on the belly flattening progress. I will admit that I'm pretty lucky cause I've already been wearing my bikini with pride, stretch marks and all!

Monday, July 16, 2012

There were no people

My baby is the smartest, strongest, most beautiful, and most precious baby ever to be born.

I have realized that this statement is absolutely true by every parent whom has ever uttered it. This miracle of a baby was created by love and God's design. Out of seemingly nothing there came this person. "There were no people. And now there are people." - Somebody help me remember what movie that is from -

I grew a person. He is amazing and complex and growing every instant. My child is the best. But, I know that when you say your child is the best it is true without making my statement false. The most amazing thing ever because there was nothing and now there is something - from within me. It is ever more apparent to me how much of a miracle each baby is, none more than my own, of course.

If it seems that I am talking in circles, it is because I am in a way. I now can imagine that when my mother tells each of myself and my sisters that we are her favorite, she really means it to each of us. I know that this can be true for each of us without it being exclusive of the others.

Alright, I'll be done waxing philosophic now.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Things I now understand

There are always things you say you are never going to do as a parent ... and then you do them. I don't have very many (yet), but I will definitely admit to a few things that I now can see from a parent's perspective.
As an early childhood professional for many years there were some licensing rules that I didn't quite 'get' but did them anyway. Now I know that those rules were insisted on by new parents.

Checking to make sure they are still breathing.
- Especially during the first few weeks at home, I would constantly check him to make sure that his little chest or belly were going up and down. If I don't hear sounds from him for a while, I still look over at him. There is such a fear that he will forget to keep breathing. Now I know why caregivers are supposed to check every 30 minutes while they are sleeping. A new parent fear has creeped in to early childhood rules. I took the fact of them breathing as a given as a professional, yet as a parent it is something I keep tabs on.

Moving the blanket off of their face.
- This is somewhat related to the checking breathing thought. Many children (including my own from about 1 month of age) like to pull the blanket over their head to sleep. Especially in a classroom where it doesn't get quite dark for naptime. I even like to sleep this way sometimes. Yet, another new parent fear has influence rules cause now at home I always pull his blanket back. Even though I always thought this rule was kind of silly at work, I pull the blanket from his face because of my fear of him suffocating on it. In my mind, I know he won't, but I pull it anyway for the 'just in case'.

My next admission is not so much a child care rule but a comment I often received from parents.
The "How can you handle more than one child at a time? I feel like I can only deal with one," comment from parents.
- This one is an I know that I have the skills to care for several children at once, and I don't worry about the future with adding children to our family (in the distant future). However, I now understand where parents are coming from when they have said this to me. I am so much more infinitely bound to my son that his every need is my highest priority. As a professional, I can prioritize group needs and multitask like you would not believe. As a mom of my first baby, I feel like I can't do anything else while I am nursing (maybe tv or a little facebook on my phone). In my classroom, I could feed 2 babies and read a book to another 2 or 3 children and keep an eye on the happenings in the rest of the room. Now I understand more about the mentality behind saying that just their child seemed like so much responsibility. Some of the comment might be motivated by a little insecurity in parenting skills, but not all of it as I used to suspect. There is a feeling of ultimate responsibility for your own child which makes every action and interaction that much more significant.