Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Dreaded Bellybutton Debacle

One of my worst fears may be about to be realized ... the outie belly button.

Absolutely no offense to any of you that have an outie. I just know that it will be super irritating if my bellybutton turns outie because my button is uber sensitive. This is totally a weird picture to share, but I just had to show how my button is almost flat to the surface now. I think I might be able to deal if it stays flat, but I'm going to have issues if it goes out. I know I'm weird and crazy and potentially also have some vanity mixed in there. My maternity photo shoot is still three weeks away. Ahhhh! I will have to cope and learn how to own it by then if I do get an outie button because I will be doing some bare belly pictures.
I wonder what some of you moms' experiences have been. Did your button turn out? Was it constantly irritated? Did you have any comments from people on it? I know people are mean and nasty about all kinds of things. I have heard people comment in the past about it when they see an outie on a pregnant lady. Which is a totally unfair comment to make since there is no way to control how your belly grows. Oy!

Somewhat unrelated topic - My child kicked me so hard the other night that it rolled me from my side to my back. It is wild. He has also started sticking what I'm guessing are his feet in a little pocket of my belly on top of my ribs. It is hard to describe, but it is the weirdest feeling and I pretty much always push them out of that spot. He also seems to lay diagonally from my left hip to my right ribs and stretch out. It is the funniest looking thing to watch my belly get moved in that line as he stretches out his arms and legs at the same time. I'll try to catch a picture of it if I can.
I think my baby boy had a growth spurt this week. Many people at work on Tuesday said I looked bigger that day all of a sudden; as in over night from Monday. According to some of my apps on pregnancy he should be about 15-16 inches and weigh 2.5-3 lbs. And for those of you that like the fruit/veggie size comparison - cabbage.

PS. I dreamed about driving my car from high school the other night. Particularly that I was driving stick shift.
Then last night I dreamed that a whole group of us were going out to eat and for some reason my Trifecta girls, some homeless dude, and a guy that went to my high school all were riding on one motorcycle that I was driving. All the rest of our friends and significant others took cars and had extra space in them.
I guess this week had a vehicle theme to my dreams. Further evidence of the boy I'm having? JK


Blogger Erin D.D. said...

My belly button stayed flat so it may not go outie. I didn't want an outie either, yuck. But, I did hear that outies can mean that your baby is in the right position for birth. (Though Desmond's position was fine).

Love the pic. We need weekly belly pics now!

April 13, 2012 at 1:01 PM  

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