Sunday, April 29, 2012

I love hand me downs!

As the youngest of three, I am well versed in the world of hand me downs. I don't know when I first got to wear clothes that were bought just for me!! Maybe my first day of kindergarten? I remember picking out that crazy outfit. It wasn't that bad - I do remember getting back to school shopping for things for myself each year. I even did hand me downs with maternity clothes (with a few new of my own as well). I would not have it any other way.
A great thing about being a military mom is that there are tons (and I mean tons) of small children and pregnant mamas around. I have already received hand me down clothes from my neighbor. Unrelated to military life; it is great to have an older sibling that already has a child. I have hand me down clothes now that my nephew no longer fits in. This is the best system ever. I don't think I will need any clothes for the baby for a long time. I also got several cute things from my amazing friends at my baby shower - I just hope that Rollin has a chance to wear them all! I am very thankful to all who have given me (and my son) such great gifts of new and new to us clothing. We are set.

Here is the middle of week 34. He definitely keeps growing straight out to the front.


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