Friday, January 27, 2012

The Boy Evidence

Here he is! Rollin Cole Cooper. He did give the ultrasound tech a little bit of trouble cause he was moving so much at first and then wouldn't move out of a spot when she was trying to move him. Sound like anyone you know? He kept swatting his arms at the ultrasound probe. It was pretty cute. She said everything is developing normally and he is right where he should be.

I didn't want to put this picture on facebook, but here is one of the "It's a boy!" pictures. I've always had the suspicion that I would have all boys, so far I am right. If he comes on his due date, he will be quite the patriotic little boy. Born into a Marine family on flag day. We are very happy to begin to be able to call him by name.
I love the tradition of naming after family. Part of my name is from my grandfather, Rollin, so I have been planning on using his name for our son for quite some time. I was very glad when my husband liked the name as well. Then our baby's middle name is his father's name. I can't think of anything better than that. His daddy is the best man, so if Rollin Cole grows to be anything like his namesake, he will be phenomenal.


Blogger Erin D.D. said...

Yay Rollin! It is so cute it makes me want to look back at my blog and see Desmond's ultrasound pics.

January 27, 2012 at 12:14 PM  

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